Bless Fruitland Park - Project Generosity, 2025

On December 18th, 2014, the group “Operation Bless Fruitland Park” was birthed. Since its inception, this group's goal has centered around being active in creating a culture of generosity and teamwork within Fruitland Park. 

In most communities, the local school is not only the center of activity, but also great opportunity to serve, and we believe that “SO GOES THE SCHOOL, SO GOES THE COMMUNITY.”

With that thought in mind, we have asked the question, "How does a community partner together and network valuable resources to support its local school?" 

It is this question, that has prompted the "Bless Fruitland Park” team to host a Fall Campaign involving our community, to help support our local school, called PROJECT GENEROSITY. 

Over the past 8 years we have been able to raise more than $135,000 in cash and other resources for Fruitland Park Elementary School. Last year was an incredible year of Generosity, but we believe this year will even be better.

THIS YEAR’S GOAL: To raise $17,500 plus additional resources for Fruitland Park Elementary School. 

 WHEN:  Funds and resources to be raised during Generosity Week August 11th-18th, 2024.


As Individuals:

-Spread the word. The greatest resource we have is our communication with one another. 

-Be an advocate for Bless Fruitland Park and its efforts to make a difference though word of mouth or social media

-Contribute financially: no gift is too small

-Organize a social club or civic group that you are involved with to give or host a fundraiser

As a Church:

-Spread the word

-Organize your church to see the need, set a goal, and take up an offering on either August 11th or 18th.

-Prayer for our schools

As a Business, local Civic or Social club:

-Spread the word

-Give a one time financial gift or pick a day(s) and give a percentage of earnings to go towards the goal

-Organize a fundraiser

-Challenge others to join your efforts

WHY: Funds collected will be used by school leadership to address immediate needs not covered by school budgets. A check presentation is being planned for Wednesday August 21st at the Fruitland Park Elementary School Library located at 304 W Fountain St, Fruitland Park at 9:00 am.

Checks can be made payable to New Life/ Bless Fruitland Park, and can be mailed to the attention of: Mary Beth Harvey, 201 Lavista street, Fruitland Park, Fl 34731.

Our goal is to have all monies collected and turned in by 12 noon, Tuesday, August 20th, so we can prepare for the check presentation.

“Bless Fruitland Park” is an ongoing effort of individuals, churches, businesses and local civic and social groups in the Fruitland Park area that are committed to working together to make a difference and create an atmosphere of partnership and generosity within our Fruitland Park Community. 

  - Contact us and ask how you can join us for future "BLESS FRUITLAND PARK" efforts 

  - Help us network and spread the word creating an atmosphere of generosity

  - Join our facebook page at “Bless Fruitland Park"

For More information:



Mrs. Melinda Milhorn-Project Coordinator Rev. Sidney Brock Cindy Falanga        Cindy Copen

Community United Methodist Church Heritage Community Church Citizens First Bank. FP Recreation

352-408-7558              352 267-2939 386-450-0104      352-360-6734