Sunday Worship Services

8:00 & 11:00am - Traditional 9:30am - Contemporary

Worship is the heart of what we do here at Community. It informs our ministry, our mission, and our outreach. It guides and directs our efforts as we seek to love all people - where they are, as they are. These services are open to all people, in all walks of life, and at any point on their spiritual journey. We would love to welcome you to worship with us as we grow together.

Our Sanctuary, which hosts our 8 A.M. and 11 A.M. worship services, is equipped with a Hearing Loop. You are invited to switch your hearing aid or Cochlear Implant to the "T" setting to enjoy having the sound routed directly to you.

Below you will find information about our various worship services, as well as information about how you can join us.