2024 Stewardship Opportunities

Booklet, Card & Letter

2024 Stewardship Resources

Dear Community,       


The fall season is upon us and with it, the onset of cooler weather and the joy of the holidays, which will quickly be followed by a new year in 2024.


           During the fall, the Leadership Council and Staff at Community held a retreat and spent time seeking discernment about ways God may be leading us to serve our neighbors, nearby community, and beyond, in new and innovative ways. As part of the work of leadership, and essential to our work for God’s Kingdom, we are constantly seeking alignment of our ministries with the calling of God to “make disciples for the transformation of the world,” in the unique ways we are called to do so here in Fruitland Park. 


           We recognize the need to place an emphasis on the needs of our neighbors who currently do not have a connection to Community United Methodist Church. We will be working on initiatives to that end, such as strengthening our outreach to children, youth, and families in the immediate area. We have many challenges before us in that work, but know with confidence that by God’s provision and the dedication of our congregation, working together through our gifts, graces, and prayer, we will make a significant impact on the lives of those around us.


           Ours is a vital ministry to those who would call Community UMC their home. From offering engaging worship and active discipleship, to accomplishing impactful mission work, both locally and around the world, Community has a legacy of making a difference. We will continue to seek God’s direction, leading us to love and serve our neighbors in Jesus’s name.


           In order to accomplish all that God has called us to, we need your support. That support is found in giving — of self, of time, and of the resources God has generously given to us. In 2024, each ministry has plans to further the opportunities before us. Our desire is to increase our participation with our children and youth, serve the disenfranchised, and continue to provide important ministries to all ages.


           We invite you to prayerfully consider your commitment to Community UMC, through your financial support and your participation in the many ways we are seeking to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Fruitland Park.



Kelly W. Smith                                                   Ben Spangler

Senior Pastor                                                    Associate Pastor