Grow Classes & Small Groups

Started Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 - join us now!

Introducing our Spring Grow Groups!

Grow Groups: Jan 15th - Feb 26th

Wednesdays 6:15-7:15 PM


Leader: Pastor Kelly (Room 208-210)

A class that walks through an overview of Methodist history, theology, and polity. Whether you are new to the United Methodist Church or are a cradle Methodist, this class is a great opportunity to dig deeper into your faith as well as our local and historical church.

Seven Deadly Sins

Leader: Pastor Linda Standifer (Room 100)

What’s so deadly about sin?

Over and over the season of Lent calls us to repentance. This series provides a way to prepare for Lent by defining what the ancient church called deadly sins, and by describing lively alternatives.

The Chosen (Season 1)

Leader: Chuck & Delores Kight (Fellowship Hall)

If you are among the folks who have not seen The Chosen, here is your chance to watch the first season. This show about Jesus’ ministry is a phenomenon that has attracted donors from over 150 countries and viewers from everywhere. It is now translated and subtitled into over 70 languages and is available for free to the world.

Discussion as time permits.


Leader: Pastor Ben (Library)

THURSDAYS: 11 am-noon (in person)

6-7 pm (in-person & Zoom)

This class will be using the documentary “Theirs is the Kingdom” and the Fresco at Haywood Street UMC in Asheville as a meditation and reaction for the Beatitudes. We often read the sermon on the mount, but what does it look like to witness the Beatitudes in the streets of our daily lives?


We are excited to Grow together this spring, so come out and join us!