The United Methodist Women is open to ALL women. Our purpose is to know God, to develop supportive fellowship by encouraging one another in spiritual growth and personal development, and to serve others through local and global ministries. We invite you to attend our Unit and Circle meetings as described below so that you can decide which circle best suits your spiritual needs, your interests, and your schedule.
Our UMW supports a number of charities and programs that benefit women, children, and youth in our local communities and beyond. Our two major fundraisers are a Ladies' Tea in the spring and a Missions Possible Evening for Missions in the fall.
UMW Unit Meetings are held September through May, usually on the 1st Tuesday of each month, at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The May and December Unit Meetings are held on the 1st Saturday of those months, so that our members who work outside of the home are able to attend. During these meetings, all of the circles have an opportunity to get together in order to conduct the business of the organization, to have programs on different missions projects, to grow spiritually, and to enjoy fellowship.
Our Circles also meet September through May as detailed below.
Circle of Eve — Meets at 7:00 p.m. on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in the home of Cathy Smalling. The Circle of Eve supports the Community Christian School. Circle Leader: Susan Walters
Circle of Friends — Meets at 9:30 a.m. on the 2nd Wednesday of each month in the Fellowship Hall. The Circle of Friends supports the Florida United Methodist Children's Home by purchasing items that are requested by the Home for the children, and has speakers on mission projects that support women, children, and youth. Circle Leaders: Sandy Dahl and Rae Hellmig
Rebekah Circle — Meets at 9:30 a.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in the Fellowship Hall. Rebekah Circle fills Valentine mugs with candy for the homebound, supports Esther House with personal items, and has speakers on mission projects that support women, children, and youth. Circle Leader: Judy Withers
Sarah Circle — Meets at 10:00 a.m. on the 3rd Thursday of each month in members' homes. Sarah Circle supports Haven House in Leesburg, a shelter for victims of domestic abuse and their children, by filling purses with needed personal items. Circle Leader: Lois Borlase
Some of the circles also meet at a restaurant for breakfast or brunch during the summer. See the church’s June through August monthly newsletters and the weekly bulletins for the summer meeting schedules.
Donna Turner — President
Gail Burgess — Vice President
Judy Woodling — Secretary
Pam Cahill — Treasurer
Becky Witherby — Co-Treasurer
Sharon Milley & Becky Hanna — Membership
Please send an email to if you would like to receive more information about our Unit or Circles.